Category Archives: Website

Can Walmart REALLY Compete With Amazon? Not Yet.

Updated at the end of the post to show how Walmart reacts when things go wrong. The stories about Walmart and Amazon going into an epic battle for world domination are everywhere. Walmart is forcing vendors to drop their prices or face penalties. Amazon wants manufacturers to redesign their packaging so it is more functional for… Read More »

Radio Again Marginalized By New Technology

Two things happened last week that made me realize again that the advantages local radio stations traditionally had in serving their communities are being marginalized by technology. Listeners can get the critical news and information they once could only get from their hometown radio station in a multitude of places and platforms and they’re using… Read More »

Was FedEx Hacked?

If you’ve shipped packages with FedEx over the last 72 hours, you likely had problems getting your shipment delivered on time. FedEx blames the delays on bad weather in their Memphis hub and a resulting failure of their tracking system, caused by the bad weather. I myself had that explanation given to me by Customer… Read More »

The 2015 Internet Trends Report Is Out! The 2015 Internet Trends Report Is Out!

For someone who studies the Internet, today is the day we borrow the infamous line from Steve Martin in “The Jerk“. It excites me every year with Mary Meeker from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers releases her yearly Internet Trends Report. It may be the very best look at the state of the Internet, and how it… Read More »

Why Your Blog And Website Are More Important Than Facebook

There’s a lot to be covered here, much of which you’ve seen if you’re a brand marketer or someone who likes seeing your personal Facebook updates read by most of your followers.  I’m not going to repeat things that have been posted all over the Interwebz in the last couple of months, you can see… Read More »

Radio Continues To Have A “Missing Link” To Listeners

I spend a lot of time listening to the radio. All kinds of radio, from AM and FM stations to Pandora, Stitcher, Beats Audio, and a plethora of other streaming services.  And to be clear, if it’s sound coming our of a speaker, it’s radio.  Period. After having spent more than three decades programming radio stations,… Read More »

The New Website Is Here! The New Website Is Here!

With all due respect, copyright acknowledgement, and thanks to Steve Martin from “The Jerk“, this is kind of how I feel today.  The All New Mark Edwards Worldwide Website is here!  Not right HERE, but HERE at After helping get clients’ websites and online presence all set up, I decided to design a new website from the ground up.  You’ll find… Read More »

This Post Should Be Read By Every Executive In The Radio Business

I’ve written before about how radio is on the fast track to irrelevance, and that the smart owners and execs in the radio industry have the power to stop that and save the business.  Media guru Mark Ramsey wrote about Pandora and how radio is freaking out about it but shouldn’t on his blog yesterday.… Read More »


(ST. LOUIS, MO) “The Music Meeting”, a new website focusing on music for adults, has been launched at by veteran broadcast and online content innovator Mark Edwards.  The website joins the many online portals maintained by the multi-faceted new media firm Mark Edwards Worldwide. “It’s becoming harder and harder for grown-ups who really love… Read More »